Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun 🧠

Our imagination is a muscle. We have to exercise it. 

The ability to imagine is a superpower that we all possess. But unlike other muscles, it’s actually one that gets weaker as we age. When we are children our imagination is limitless. We spend hours playing, using our imagination to create new worlds for ourselves.

As we get older,  we lose that magical ability. Schools kill our creativity. Society programs us to follow the rules. We are made to believe that imagination and play are just for kids.

The ability to envision a future for ourselves or a world that’s better than the one that we have now is a testament to our ability to use our imagination.

Within the context of personal innovation and designing our dream lives, imagination is critical. We have to give ourselves permission to play and explore different possibilities. Our imagination enables us to generate creative ideas and try on different futures. 

Creative Play

Imagination is the doorway to possibilities. It's where creativity, ingenuity, and "thinking outside the box" begin.

Engaging in creative play is the best way that we can unlock the imagination. When we were children, imaginative and creative play is how we learned about the world. While playing, children manipulate materials, learn to express themselves verbally and non-verbally, plan, act, interact, react, and try different roles. That is what this course is asking you to do. 

Life is rarely as serious as we believe it to be, and when we recognize this fact, it responds by giving us more and more opportunities to play. Life is a game. When we learn to start looking at life with a sense of playfulness we let go of the burden of societal norms and demands. 

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