Why Creativity? 🤓

We all have the ability to be creative. It is the most transformative tool that we have at our disposal. 

We now live in a world of unparalleled creative potential. The jobs that will exist twenty years from now haven't even been invented yet. To succeed in that future we need to cultivate creativity. We need to think divergently, explore our curiosity, and take risks.

Creativity is the secret sauce we need to change our lives and change the world. 

Expressive vs Inventive

Many people believe that creativity is synonymous with art. Just because you may not consider yourself artistic, doesn’t mean you’re not creative! Likewise, being skilled in a particular art form doesn’t necessarily mean you’re naturally great at creative problem solving.

While "expressive creativity" is using creativity to express your thoughts and feelings through the arts (like film, music, dance, theatre etc.), "inventive creativity" is using creativity to solve problems and tackle challenges both big and small. In this case, the challenge is designing your ideal life and career. 

Use this course as an opportunity to explore all facets of your unique brand of creativity. Push yourself to expand your comfort zone and explore new mediums to communicate your thoughts and ideas.

The Creative Mindsets

All forms of creativity make use of certain mindsets. We'll cover all of them in this course. First, we will talk about the importance of exercising our imagination through creative play. We'll discuss the benefits of exploring your curiosity and strengthen your ability to think divergently. We will talk about embracing ambiguity, the idea that failure is an iterative process and that risk is an essential component of success. 



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