Pre-Assignment: Digital Time Capsule ⏳

Your first assignment is to create a digital time capsule which reflects this moment in your life.

What do you want “future you” to know about the person you are right now? Feel free to use these questions as a jumping off point or go in your own direction. 

Who are you? 

What causes are important to you?

What have you accomplished so far that you’re really proud of?

How have you grown in recent years?

What is going right in your life right now? 

What is your “big dream” and/or vision for the future you want to create?

Use this as an opportunity to get creative. You can write a letter to the future, take a self-portrait, compose a song, make a video or curate a photo gallery. You can also keep it super simple with a facebook or IG post.

Once completed, there are three things I’m going to ask you to do with it.

  1. Please share your project with your digital community. Be loud and proud about who you are, what you’ve done and the things you care about. 🗣
  2. Share your project with me and our growing digital community by dropping a link below.👇🏾
  3. Send your project to yourself five years in the future via 📩

Complete and Continue  